Monday 24 August 2015

Deathbed Visions

Deathbed Visions

It's a phenomena that deals with the paranormal experiences that are claimed particularly by people who are breathing their last breath, yes by people who are dying. Close to the moment of death, apparitions of deceased friends and loved ones appear to escort the dying to the other side. This paranormal phenomena has been explained in many works from many places which tells us a fact that this phenomena has existed in several cultures from the very beginning itself. It has not faded away like many urban legends and hoax, this deathbed visions exists even now. It has been reported by many dying people some reported to their relatives claiming to see their deceased family members waiting for him/her. Some patients have reported to the doctors or nurses about this vision. It has been reported and described from the ancient day to present modern civilization. 

Even the dying person is reassured by the experience and expresses great happiness with the vision, because the friends and relatives seen in these visions express directly that they have come to help take them away. Even the state of health and mood of the dying person seems to change while they are experiencing it. For the dying people this experience doesn't seems like hallucination, they seem to be aware of what's happening around them, yes they seem to be fully aware of their condition and surroundings. In some cases they dying people have reported of seeing god, yet the vast majority claim to see familiar people who had previously passed away. It's been said that only about 10 percent of dying people are conscious shortly before their deaths. And of this 10 percent, it is estimated, between 50 and 60 percent of them experience these visions. This reports claim that this death visions seems to appear for 5 minutes or less than that and the most cases experiencing these kind of vision are said to be people who are dying gradually. There is no solid evidence to prove that these visions are paranormal or not, but there are few reports where these visions of deceased friends and loved one's are witnessed by both the dying one's and the one's present near to them. Hallucinations caused by drugs also could sometime cause the patients to hallucinate. I would write more about it in my next blog.

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