Monday, 1 February 2016



Ghoul by Eclectixx (

Ghoul the name sound's bit creepy because it belongs to a demon. Yes Ghoul is is a monster from ancient Arabian folklore. This evil spirit is said to consume human flesh, that will help you figure out that graveyards is where they live. The are also said to live in places where human's don't live. Well that's not all Ghoul is a well known to shift shapes, especially in to Hyena. They are said to attack people who are defenseless like infants and grave robbers. Ghoul consume human flesh from dead one's and one's those are alive too. In modern literature Ghoul is usually described as undead. Zombies are also called as undead and zombies consume human flesh too. Are they related? Ghoul kills and eats other Ghoul's too, making them cannibals and they have same level of intelligence as Humans do and their appearance is close to humans. I have read in a very strange website that Ghouls drink water and coffee and their organs can be transplanted in to humans. Whatever next time you are alone in a graveyard and you see a hyena avoid going near it, it may offer you some candies or stuff to lure you and later eat you. Now don't ask me why you would go to a graveyard filled with hyenas in the first place.